Public Hearings and Development Notices

Members of the public are provided opportunities for comment on certain land use and development applications consistent with statutory requirements and RMOW practices.

This page provides information on currently scheduled Public Hearings, Notices of Proposed Bylaw Amendment, Notices of Intention to Issue a Development Variance Permit, Notices of Intention to Issue a Temporary Use Permit, Board of Variance Hearings, and public input opportunities for rezoning applications.

Public Hearings

Public Hearings are required for a proposed OCP Bylaw and for some proposed Zoning Bylaws to allow the public to make representations to Council regarding the proposed bylaw. Public Hearings take place between the second and third readings of a proposed bylaw. The time and date for the Public Hearing are published in advance on the Notice of the Public Hearing..

There are currently no Notices of Public Hearings.

Notice of Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw

When a proposed zoning bylaw is consistent with the Official Community Plan it doesn’t need a public hearing to pass (Local Government Act, Section 464).

A public hearing is prohibited if the proposed zoning bylaw:

  • is consistent with the Official Community Plan;
  • is for a development that is wholly or partly residential; and
  • the residential part of the development is at least half the gross floor area of the buildings and other structures proposed in the development.

When the RMOW is not holding a public hearing, we share a Notice of Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw before Council considers the first bylaw reading.

There are currently the following Notices of Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw.

Application No.Bylaw No.Council Meeting DateDetails
RZ0011942462, 2025April 8, 2025Materials

Notices of Intention to Issue a Development Variance Permit

Council considers resolutions to issue Development Variance Permits under s. 498 of the Local Government Act at its regular meetings. For this type of application, Notices are delivered to the owners and tenants in occupation of the parcel in respect of which the application is made and all parcels of land abutting the parcel that is the subject of the application. Members of the public may provide written comments to Council on the application in advance of the scheduled Council meeting.  Details are provided in the Notices below for each Development Variance Permit.

There are currently the following Notice of Intention to Issue a Development Variance Permit:

Application No.AddressCouncil Meeting DateDetails
DVP012653137 Hawthorne PlMarch 25, 2025Materials

Notices of Intention to Issue a Temporary Use Permit

There are currently no Notices of Intention to Issue a Temporary Use Permit.

Notices of Board of Variance Hearings

The Board of Variance is an appeal body consisting of three members of the community appointed by Council. Notices are provided to adjacent property owners and tenants with information on the proposed variance requests and details for providing written and oral representations to the Board for those property owners or tenants who deem themselves to be affected by the applications. Details are provided in the Notices below for each Board of Variance Hearing.

There are currently no Notices of Board of Variance Hearing.

Rezoning Public Input Opportunities 

It is the RMOW’s practice to offer the opportunity for the public to comment on significant rezoning applications. This opportunity occurs before the bylaws associated with the rezoning proposal are introduced to Council. The public can view materials and provide comments to Planning Department staff that will become part of the public record for the application and will be shared with Council. 

There are currently no Rezoning Public Input Opportunities.

Use the Active Development tool to learn about the status of active development applications under consideration in Whistler, with application dates of June 1, 2016 or later. Search by address to find active permits for a specific property, or view all active permits.

View Applications for Private Employee Housing Initiatives

Applications have been submitted under the Private Employee Housing Initiative. These applications are at various stages. Timelines and additional information are available here.


Planning Department