The monitoring program tracks our progress, informs decision-making, and ensures accountability towards our goals. Key sources of information used to compile the monitoring and reporting results include data from Tourism Whistler, Statistics Canada, Whistler Community Life Surveys, local utility providers, and internal data compiled through RMOW operational protocols. Progress is reported at least annually for most areas measured.
Visit the Community Monitoring Dashboard
Community Performance Indicators
The Community Performance Indicators are based on five guiding priorities, and provide vision and guidance for all corporate initiatives. There are nearly 90 indicators of success which were selected through intensive community engagement processes, and have now been adapted to reflect the vision pillars identified within Whistlers Official Community Plan
Corporate Plan Performance Reporting
The RMOW Corporate Plan is consistent with the five priorities of the community vision and its six goals reflect both Council and community objectives. It is updated every year with input from all RMOW departments and informs the organization’s overall work plan.
Whistler Facts and Figures
The community facts and figures provide an overview of population and development trends, demographic, socio-economic, as well as household characteristics for Whistler’s permanent resident population. This overview also includes land use trends, recreation visitation trends, and some data for the neighbouring communities of Squamish and Pemberton.
The monitoring program provides a number of benefits and essential functions, including:
- Tracking progress toward (or away from) Whistler’s vision – allowing the community to celebrate and build on successful programs, and to correct its course when necessary.
- Ensuring transparency and accountability to stakeholders – reporting ensures transparency to community members and other Whistler stakeholders.
- Educating and engaging Whistler businesses, residents and visitors – providing meaningful and timely information in an engaging way helps to illustrate connections between policy, actions and community health.