The RMOW constructed a new non-motorized public recreational trail from Emerald Drive to the lands west of the neighbourhood including the No Flow Zone and One Duck Lake.
In January of 2020 the municipality purchased the property located at 9561 Emerald Estates with the intent to construct a recreational trail across the property. The trail now provides secure long term recreational access to the lands west of the Emerald Estates neighbourhood following closure of the historical access which was in a trespass situation across privately owned lands.
Trail Development
The trail is a 1.0m wide gravel surface recreational trail for pedestrian and non-motorized bicycle use. At Emerald Drive the trail is identified by a 4×4” vertical post with a trail name, permitted and non-permitted uses, no smoking, and trail ownership badges. This is the typical approach used across the municipality. A new fence, tree planting and additional signage was included to help maintain resident privacy. No other amenities are provided.
A secondary benefit of the property acquisition is the provision of a single family employee housing unit, now administered by the Whistler Housing Authority.
On-Street Parking Signs
The municipality has made improvements to the Emerald neighbourhood on-street parking signage to provide clarity where vehicles can and cannot park.
Parking Enforcement
The municipal Bylaw Services department generally works on a complaint based system. If residents observe on-street parking infractions they should contact Bylaw Services at 604-935-8280, or by email at bylawservices@whistler.ca. Bylaw Services tracks call numbers and will focus patrols on areas with repeat infractions.
Recreational Trails Strategy
The municipality has initiated a Recreational Trails Strategy for the broader resort community. This initiative is currently in the project planning phase and an initial community survey released in March 2021 will help inform project planning and community engagement moving forward. The Strategy is anticipated to be complete in the fall of 2022.
The Recreation Trails Strategy is intended to provide high-level direction related to trail and trail-related amenity development, improvement, access, funding and management for the broader resort community. As a higher-level strategy, the Recreation Trails Strategy will not specify the number, location or types of trails, which will be the focus for a future and more detailed Trails Master Plan.
Construction of the Emerald Trail and related on-street parking sign improvements is being advanced ahead of the Recreational Trail Strategy as provision of safe and managed access is required for the coming trail season.
For more information on the Recreational Trails Strategy project please visit whistler.ca/TrailStrategy.
The Emerald Trail and related on street parking sign improvements is 100 per cent funded from the Province of British Columbia through its Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT) program.