Climate Action and Environment Committee

The Climate Action and Environment Committee is a Select Committee of Council


Each term, Council establishes priorities to steward the community towards this vision. For the 2022-2026 term, Council identified Climate Action as a priority. To help advance on this priority, a Climate Action and Environment Select Committee of Council (CAE or Committee) is being introduced.

The primary aims of Committees of Council are to:

  • focus on high-level policy and strategy;
  • advance Council priorities;
  • provide advice and recommendations to Council;
  • help solve complex problems through collaboration;
  • engage subject-matter experts; and
  • collect community perspective.

The Committee acts in an advisory capacity by providing advice and recommendations to Council and staff on a current policy and strategic initiatives.

Applications are being sought for five community members-at-large: two members for a one-year term and three members for a two-year term.

Terms of Reference


The purpose of the Committee is to advise RMOW staff and Council on matters related to climate change, the environment, and transportation.

Specifically, the Committee supports and advises on proposed climate policy and strategies such as:

  • Whistler’s Climate Action Plans including Six Big Moves and three adaptation goals;
  • The Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP) and wildfire mitigation work;
  • Transportation related policy and strategy that requires integration, collaboration and public engagement; and
  • To protect, support and increase the resilience of local ecosystems, natural assets and biodiversity.


The Committee includes 15 voting members as follows:

  • Mayor
  • Two members of Council
  • RMOW Chief Administrative Officer
  • RMOW General Manager of Infrastructure Services
  • AWARE Representative
  • Whistler Blackcomb Representative
  • Five Members-at-Large each with expertise in at least one of the following areas:
    • strategic thinking and policy analysis
    • climate action
    • environment
    • biodiversity
    • transportation
    • sustainability
  • One youth representative (under 25)
  • 2 indigenous representatives

The Committee also includes two non-voting members as follows:

  • RMOW Recording Secretary
  • RMOW Manager, Climate and Environment, Staff Liaison

Meeting schedule

To Be Determined

Meeting agendas and minutes

DateAgendaMeeting Minutes


Environmental Stewardship