On Sunday, November 10, a tagged black bear was euthanized by the COS due to the risk to public safety.
The COS had attended calls of a black bear entering an occupied facility in Whistler Village to obtain a food reward. The bear returned multiple times to try to gain access. Upon further investigation, the COS also learned this bear had a history of conflict behaviour, including repeatedly accessing unnatural food sources within Whistler Village, an unsecure grease trap, and frequenting confined spaces.
Last year, after it frequented Whistler Village, Conservation Officers had tagged the bear and relocated it to a wilderness area, but it returned.
Residents and businesses are reminded that bears are currently in a state of hyperphagia and will find any opportunity to gain access to food. Once they have gained access to an unnatural food source, they are likely to return to the same place to attempt to obtain the food reward again. Please ensure that all attractants are secured, and doors are not left unlocked when unattended. Securing attractants is the best way to help keep people, and bears, safe.
Please report bear conflicts to the Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) hotline at 1-877-952-7277.