Master Wayfinding and Guest Arrival Experience Strategy Project

The goals of this project are to improve wayfinding infrastructure for all users and contribute to the overall enjoyment of the resort.

Latest Status

The final phase of the Wayfinding Project is nearing completion.  New vehicular signage has been installed throughout Whistler village and the installation of municipal park signs and Valley Trail directional signage is now complete.    The new park and Valley Trail wayfinding signs are part of Phase Three of the Master Wayfinding Strategy.  The signs replace the uncoordinated assortment of previous signs with a refreshed and integrated appearance that aligns with the updated signs in Whistler Village and the Day Lots. 

Whistler Village will also get two new gateway signs at the entrance to Lorimer Road and Village Gate Boulevard that are to be installed this December 2018.  

After those signs are installed, the project will be substantially complete. 


The purpose of the Whistler Master Wayfinding and Guest Arrival Experience Strategy Project is to enhance and improve the Whistler Village guest experience and support ongoing business success throughout the community.

Not only will new visitors arriving find Whistler easy and friendly to navigate, but also all users will benefit from improved digital and physical infrastructure and signage.

Project Objectives

  • Help visitors easily navigate the local road network to reach their destination (primarily parking and accommodation)
  • Upgrade the pedestrian wayfinding experience, specifically in and around Whistler Village
  • Reinforce a sense of place through creative wayfinding tools and consistent RMOW branding and identity
  • Coordinate with current RMOW planning projects, future initiatives and the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) to create a seamless wayfinding journey
  • Build consensus through stakeholder engagement
  • Consider all modes of travel, e.g. vehicles, pedestrian, bike, public transit
  • Understand the needs of international travellers
  • Develop a criteria for destination inclusion
  • Outline recommendations, priorities and a strategy for implementation
  • Provide guidelines for design and planning phases, as well as sustainability, management and maintenance


Phase One: Request For Proposals (RFP) was posted on August 17, 2015 and closed on September 11, 2015.

Phase Two: Council authorized the execution a contract with Architectural Graphics Incorporated (AGI) on October 20, 2015 for the amount of $1,094,168.  The installation of Whistler Village pedestrian and municipal parking signage was completed in the summer of 2017.

Phase Three: Council authorized the execution of a contract with Knight Signs on April 11, 2017 for the amount of $1,408,691.  The installation of Whistler Village’s vehicular signage is complete, and almost all directional and destination signage for muncipal parks and the Valley Trail network have been installed. Phase III is expected to wrap in December 2018. 

Partners and Sponsors

The project is supported by the Province of BC’s Resort Municipality Initiative.

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Cultural Connector