Pay for parking “touch-free” with PayByPhone
The Resort Municipality of Whistler works with PayByPhone to let you pay for vehicle parking in seconds. The app is a completely cashless solution, reminds you when your parking session is about to expire and even lets you extend your parking time from anywhere! PayByPhone is convenient, easy and secure.
Pay-By-Phone charges a $0.31 user fee, plus a $0.20 charge for SMS reminders. Parking lot users may choose to opt out of the SMS reminders through the app, or pay at the nearest parking meter to avoid paying these additional fees.
Click the buttons below to download the iOS or Android app, or call 1-866-234-7275.
How to Park with PayByPhone

Click here for a list of frequently asked questions about the PayByPhone app.
Please ensure you are not putting spaces, dashes or other special characters when entering your licence into the app.
Additionally ICBC does not regularly issue licence plates with the letter “O”, please ensure you are entering the number “0” instead.
Municipal Parking Lot Codes
- Alpha Lake Park: 42263
- Blackcomb Way: 4057
- Conference Centre Surface Lot: 4181
- Conference Centre Underground (Levels 1-3 only): 42265
- Day Lot 1-3: 4055
- Day Lot 3 Motorcycle Area: 1708
- Day Lot 3 Oversized: 42266
- Day Lot 4,5: 4056
- Day Lot 4 Bus Parking Area (35+ seats): 4076
- Day Lot 4 Motorcycle Area: 1688
- Garibaldi Park (Designated zone in Day Lot 4): 4078
- Gateway Drive: 4072
- Lakeside Park: 42262
- Library Lot: 4074
- Main Street: 4180
- Municipal Hall: 4079
- Rainbow Park: 42261
- Sundial Crescent: 4070
- Village Green: 4071
- Wayside Park: 42264