Zero Waste Action Plan

Whistler’s Zero Waste Goal: Whistler will move progressively toward zero waste in a cost-effective, efficient and environmentally sound manner, and substantially reduce GHG emissions associated with waste management and embodied in products. Whistler will reach its zero waste goal by implementing actions that continuously move up the Zero Waste hierarchy.

The RMOW is developing a 2021-2026 Zero Waste Action Plan to guide the community’s progress towards Zero Waste.  

Current status

The 2021-2026 Zero Waste Action Plan was endorsed by Council on August 17, 2021.

View the Zero Waste Action Plan


The 2021-2026 Zero Waste Action Plan was developed under the guidance of the Zero Waste Select Committee of Council and replaces the outdated 2013 Zero Waste Plan.

The new plan focuses on:

  • All materials and products
  • Built environment materials – specific to the construction sector
  • Organics, food and food packaging materials – specific to the food service sector
  • Consumer products and packaging materials – specific to the retail sector 

Through the implementation of this plan, the RMOW intends to achieve:

  • 80 per cent reduction in waste in volume and weight from 2019 levels by 2030.
  • Per capita generation rate consistently below 350 kilograms per person per year of waste generated by 2025.
  • 95 per cent reduction in waste sector GHG emissions by 2030 from 2007 (Big Moves #6)
  • Zero contamination of all streams by 2030.
  • 95 per cent of organic waste diverted from landfill by 2030.

Project phases and timelines

Phase 1: Project planning, consultation and draft plan development
December 2019 – August 2021

This phase focused on the development of the draft action plan, including strategies and actions. The Zero Waste Committee met five times over the course of a year and a half to develop the plan. Other consultations included:

  • Survey to Canadian Home Builders Association members
  • One-on-one interviews with each Zero Waste Committee member
  • Stakeholder meetings with the Hotel Association of Whistler, the Restaurant Association of Whistler, Sea to Sky Removal, Sea to Sky Soils, Whistler Resort Management and GFL Environmental.

The final plan was brought to Council in August 2021.

Phase 2: Public outreach and education
September 2021 onward

Following the presentation to Council, the RMOW will work with partners to advance the strategies and actions within the plan. This will include public outreach and education.

The following actions were identified as top propriety actions for immediate implementation:

Education strategies

1. Provide education and technical assistance to businesses to reduce waste in the commercial and accommodations sector.
2. Improve monitoring/data collection and reporting.


3. Provide alternatives to single-use items.
4. Implement comprehensive programs to reduce food waste and packaging.
5. Increase space for materials to be dropped off and picked up for re-use.


6. Advocate to the Provincial and Federal governments for increased support for Zero Waste initiatives.


7. Strengthen waste and diversion policies, requirements and enforcement.
8. Mandate deconstruction (not demolition) of buildings.


The Zero Waste Action Plan was funded by revenues from the Whistler Transfer Station.
