The RMOW operates a carefully monitored irrigation program to balance the beautification of outdoor spaces with the need for water conservation.
How the RMOW Saves Water
The RMOW is constantly inspecting, refining and reviewing the irrigation system to ensure it is watering efficiently and to fix broken irrigation heads. For this reason sprinklers can occasionally be seen operating during daytime hours. The system also has automatic leak detection.
Rainbow Park and Spruce Grove Park have their own wells, and thus are not on the potable water supply. The golf courses in Whistler also provide water from their own non-potable sources to irrigate turf areas.
Vandalism of Sprinklers
Vandalism of sprinklers is a major issue for the RMOW, resulting in wasted time and resources to replace them. Please report any broken irrigation equipment to savewater@whistler.ca
The Toro Sentinel Irrigation System
The Toro Sentinel Irrigation System provides no more than 19 mm of irrigation to turf each week under normal circumstances. Industry standard application is less than 25 mm. The Toro control system determines the exact application required to keep plants and turf healthy.
The system will shut off after 6 mm of rain based on Agriculture Canada’s recommendation. This is the amount of rain necessary to infiltrate the roots of the turf.
The RMOW only irrigates specific municipal properties in the Village, as well as curb edges and parks throughout Whistler. Irrigation on other lands is controlled by private operators.
See here for more detailed information on Whistler’s Toro Irrigation System.
The RMOW Does Not Control Irrigation on All RMOW Land
Most developments in Whistler have irrigation. However, most are controlled under private contractors. If the irrigation of an area is not controlled by the RMOW and a problem exists, RMOW bylaw staff will investigate. Feedback is always welcome. Please contact savewater@whistler.ca
Irrigation locations within Whistler Village are indicated on the adjacent image with RMOW irrigated areas in blue and privately irrigated areas in red. Areas in yellow represent land that is owned by the RMOW, but on which the irrigation is controlled by a private entity. Teal represents land that is irrigated with non-potable water.
Outside of the Village, RMOW irrigation systems are mainly located on curb edges and parks.
New Sod Establishment
During the summer of 2018 new sod was laid on Village Gate Boulevard, the taxi loop and Gateway Drive areas. Irrigation was scheduled intermittently for short periods to provide adequate water to keep the sod alive. Small signs were in place to note where irrigation was needed to protect the new sod.
Infrastructure Services